Xaliimo Cali Xasan


Xaliimo Cali Xasan

Xaliimo Cali Xasan is a renowned Somali actress known for her impactful performances in the Somali film industry. She has appeared in several popular films and TV shows, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Xaliimo has received critical acclaim for her roles in movies such as "Dhaqanka Iyo Geyiga," "Xiddigta Oktoobar," and "Qabyo 2." Xaliimo Cali Xasan has garnered recognition for her acting talents, earning accolades and nominations for her exceptional performances. Although specific details about awards are not readily available, she continues to captivate audiences with her compelling on-screen presence and dedication to her craft.

Will my parents come to see me

With destabilising gentleness, Mo Harawe recounts the last hours of the terrorist Farah before his execution.