Ades Zabel


Ades Zabel

Ades Zabel, a multifaceted German performer, has made a name for herself primarily in the Berlin cabaret and comedy scene. Renowned for her dynamic stage presence, Zabel is an actor, comedian, and director with a particular flair for creating memorable and eccentric characters. She is best known for her work with the Berlin-based comedy group "Die Teufelsberger." Zabel’s comedic talent is on full display in the cult-hit film "Mutti – Der Film" (2003) and its successful sequel "Muttertag – Ein Taunuskrimi" (2012). As a celebrated figure in the LGBTQ+ and alternative theater community, her contributions have been pivotal in shaping modern Berlin's underground and queer entertainment landscape, though major awards in mainstream cinema or television are not prominent in her career profile.

Mein wunderbares West-Berlin

Romy Haag, Rosa von Praunheim, Ades Zabel and Udo Walz talk about their fascination with the dream destination West Berlin.