Judy Minx


Judy Minx

Judy Minx is a Paris-born actress and activist of Tunisian and Algerian descent. She joined a feminist organization in 2005 during high school and began her career in mainstream straight porn at age 18 in 2007. Simultaneously, she became active in queer and feminist porn movements, pursued her education, and earned a degree in English. An advocate for sex workers' rights, Judy Minx is affiliated with the French sex workers' union (STRASS) and has conducted sex education workshops. She has appeared in several films, including the 2009 documentary Les travailleu(r)ses du sexe, the 2010 drama The Final Girl, and the 2011 docudrama Too Much Pussy!. Other notable appearances include Fucking Different XXX (2011), Ladytron's music video White Elephant, the comedy film Mommy Is Coming (2012), and the Dutch documentary Een man weet niet wat hij mist (2013).

Too Much Pussy!

An indulgent, feminist and quirky docu-road movie about post-pornography and the sex-positive women's movement.