Natalie MacMahon



Natalie MacMahon

Like A Summer Sonata

LIKE A SUMMER SONATA consists of four parts named after the classical structure of a sonata. In timeless black and white, it's a surreal, modern-day morality fairy tale. Paloma shares a dark secret with Stephen and she uses it to play with him according to her rules. Torn between being attracted to and being scared of him, she follows him everywhere he goes, trying to find out more about him. LIKE A SUMMER SONATA by Natalie McMahon celebrated its premiere at the Cannes Short Film Corner and played at festivals around the world. Natalie McMahon is the founder of the Female Filmmakers Festival Berlin and works as an actress, director, writer, translator and presenter.

The Man Who Couldn't Cry

A modern fairy tale about a man who has never shed a tear in his life. After observing a lot of people, he realizes that he is different.