Robert Bohrer


Robert Bohrer

Robert Bohrer is a relatively unknown figure in the film industry. There is limited information available about his career, filmography, or any notable awards.

MPU - Medizinisch Psychologische Untersuchung

Robert Bohrer's short comedy looks at the bête noire of many a drunk driver in Germany, MPU - MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT. Two years of preparing for the MPU to get back a driver’s license and two years of being sober... well, not really... and today is the final test and the most important conversation with the psychologist. Hold on: today? TODAY??? On this Monday morning, as Frankie leaves a Berlin club with his girlfriend Lanka, he realizes that he has totally forgotten about his big MPU appointment! They both go and Frankie tries to deal with it but So they go there and try to deal with it but Lanka keeps thinking that it is a casting Frankie has to go to…