Rüdiger Sünner
Rüdiger Sünner is a German documentary filmmaker known for his explorations of esoteric and historical topics. He has directed several acclaimed documentaries, including "Sphinx: Secret Powers of the Ancient World" and "Pilgrimage to Beethoven." Sünner's work often delves into mystical and philosophical themes, earning him a reputation as a unique voice in the documentary genre. While he may not have received mainstream awards or recognition, his films have garnered a dedicated following among fans of the esoteric and alternative history.
Seelenlandschaften: Spirituelle Orte in Deutschland
A must for anyone who wants to discover and understand the spiritual roots of Germany.
Seelenlandschaften: Spirituelle Orte in Schottland
After England and Wales, Rüdiger Sünner explores the spiritual side of Scotland's breathtaking landscapes in the second part of his trilogy.
Seelenlandschaften: Spirituelle Orte in England und Wales
Poetic film essay which conveys a sense of the lived spirituality of the British Isles.
Zeige deine Wunde - Kunst und Spiritualität bei Joseph Beuys
The portrait of an artist who in all his art and with his whole being questioned the existing social system.
Mystik und Widerstand - Zur Erinnerung an Dorothee Sölle
The theologian, feminist, and mystic Dorothee Sölle argued that theology is necessarily political.
Abenteuer Anthroposophie - Rudolf Steiner und seine Wirkung
Many people are familiar with Waldorf schools, but few are aware of the life and work of Rudolf Steiner, who in 1919 established them.
Das kreative Universum - Naturwissenschaft und Spiritualität im Dialog
In an age of ever-increasing scientific knowledge, why do more and more people prefer to adopt alternative lifestyles?
Geheimes Deutschland - Eine Reise zur Spiritualität der Frühromantik
Already in 18th century Germany, early Romanticism developed a spiritual worldview that many today seek in Far Eastern spirituality.
Die Legende vom Nil - Auf den Spuren von Paul Klee in Ägypten
This travel diary describes the journey of the painter Paul Klee in Egypt between 1928 and 1929 through his letters and his paintings.
The Tree of Life - Auf den Spuren von Dag Hammarskjöld in Lappland
This film illuminates the poetic-mystical side of Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the UN Blue Helmet missions Dag Hammarskjöld.
Nachtmeerfahrten - Eine Reise in die Psychologie von C.G. Jung
A cinematic journey into the biography of the psychiatrist C. G. Jung (1875−1961) and into his powerful world of myths, dreams and symbols.
Magisches Irland
Spiritual travel documentary to the "sacred places" of Ireland and numerous sanctuaries that date back to Celtic times.
Heilige Spiele - Eine Filmwanderung zu Johann Sebastian Bach
What God did Bach believe in and what was the nature of his spirituality? Did it transcend the confines of his Protestant upbringing?
Schwarze Sonne - Mythologische Hintergründe des Nationalsozialismus
The film BLACK SUN illuminates the importance of myths and occult beliefs in the ideology of the "Third Reich".
Engel über Europa – Rilke als Gottsucher
Rainer Maria Rilke was not only one of the greatest German poets, but also a spiritual seeker who walked his very own path.
Wildes Denken - Europa im Dialog mit spirituellen Kulturen der Welt
The film clarifies - according to Claude Lévi-Strauss - the "wild thinking" of indigenous cultures based on masks, cult objects, and rituals.