Peter Lohmeyer


Peter Lohmeyer

Peter Lohmeyer is a renowned German actor who has made an impression with his diverse roles in film and television. In SOUL KITCHEN (2009) by Fatih Akin, he delivered a memorable performance in the humorous story about a restaurant in Hamburg. In SPRICH MIT MIR, Lohmeyer demonstrated his ability to convincingly embody profound and emotional roles. In films such as FÜNF DINGE, DIE ICH NICHT VERSTEHE and ART GIRLS, he also proved his versatility and talent for playing demanding characters. With his many years of experience and impressive screen presence, Lohmeyer is one of the most sought-after actors in German cinema.

Sprich mit mir

When a mother and her daughter take a vacation at the Baltic Sea, it quickly turns into a journey into the past that opens up old wounds.

Thing I Don't Get

Growing up in a rural idyll on his father's farm, teenager Johannes searches for his place in life.

Art Girls

What's reality and what's art? What happens when the tables are turned, and art no longer imitates nature but things go the other way round?

1000 Mexikaner

Luke and Adam, are best friends and while drunk get involved in shooting a friend's wedding film.

Neue Natur – Art Girls intern

The docu-fictional companion piece to Robert Bramkamp's feature ART GIRLS.

Prüfstand 7

At the centre of the experimental film-collage TESTSTAND 7 is the V-2 rocket, the so-called “Wunderwaffe” (wonder weapon) developed by the Nazis.

Die Eroberung der Mitte

A funny and complex examination of the psychotherapy boom.